Sunday, March 17, 2019

Maybe you're God

What if the kooky idea of solipsism is a divine hint?

A solipsist is a person who thinks his is the only mind in the universe and that all the "reality" he perceives is an invention of his mind. Of course, we know that one's mind does have a unique and rather strong influence on what is taken for reality, but a solipsist takes this view to the ultimate extreme.

It is unlikely that anyone who is not schizophrenic really believes in such a philosophy.

And yet, what if there is a single mind of God who is talking to himself in a multiplicity of human voices? That is, what if your mind is, at root, actually God's? Doesn't Genesis say that we are made in his image? Doesn't Jesus, speaking to men, quote scripture: "You are gods"? (He also warns that some people around us are tares, the work of the devil, who will vanish in flame.)

The Fall represents the spiritual death of a man, whereby he is unable to commune with God. God has become alienated from Himself (you).

The reconciliation provided by Jesus permits these alienated sons (us) to commune with God as Jesus does. One can compare the Trinity -- three aspects of God in the individuals of Father, Son and Spirit -- to the light from a spectrum, which decomposes into three colors, but then recomposes into a single white light godhead when a reverse prism is set in place. But, even further, another prism can decompose white light into many colors, representing Jesus and his brothers (us), who all share in God's single mind.

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  1. The Zion Calling blog has moved to


Maybe you're God

What if the kooky idea of solipsism is a divine hint? A solipsist is a person who thinks his is the only mind in the universe and that...